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Snow Day- Great Day to Organize!

Snow day to get organized

SNOW DAY!!! Great Day to Organize!

Take advantage of these kinds of days to declutter and spend LESS time on Social Media -a snowy icy day is a perfect time to tackle organizing projects.

Clearing the clutter and bringing order to every room will reap benefits for the entire year.

Do something simple such as: 1. Folding a load of laundry and putting it away. 2. Sorting the stack of mail and filing the bills. 3. Get 2017 tax stuff together (This is what I'm doing) 4. Just do something.

If these simple tasks seem daunting and causing you anxiety I'm here to coach you to get you started. I'm just a phone call away- 832-715-9540. I guarantee to make your life easier.

Kim Miller


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