9 Steps for Organizing Children's Rooms

When organizing a child’s room one must think like a child and get on their level. It's FUN being a kid!
Kids will be kids and yes it does take effort on mom's and dad's part with young children.
Like any other organizing process sorting and purging come first and then finding a home and organizing things.
Clothes, toys, clothes, etc. need to be easily accessible, easy to put away, and maintain as best as possible.
9 Steps to Organizing a Child's Room:
Sort all small toys together, large toys, stuffed animals, books, clothes, papers, etc.
This particular boy was young so I had Mom make the decisions on purging.
Closet space- mostly worn shoes put on a shelf, rarely worn shoes put in a tote, extra linens on a closet shelf and hang collared shirts and pants.
Organized each of the dresser drawers with underwear, socks, jeans, T-shirts, and sports clothes.
Rearranged the bookshelf and organized the books by genre. The overflow of books were stored in a container.
Small colored containers for storing small items such as cars, coloring books, crayons, pencils, etc.
Label, label, label for easy find. Labeling is the key for kids to know where to put things.
Tall cloth container was used for stuffed animals
Made more space by putting larger items such as a train set in the game room.
Kim Miller
Kim's Organizing Solutions
Professional Organizer