- Aug 27, 2017
Donate to Help Hurricane Harvey Flood Victims
How to Help Flood Victims? Purge, Purge, Donate. If you're like me and don't have a boat to help the flood victims. Then get off the...
- Aug 25, 2017
Protect your Possessions from Natural Disasters
Don’t wait for a hurricane, storm or flood to get you in a frenzy and realize your possessions are at risk! The key is to prepare ahead...
- Aug 9, 2017
Pack Right!
Tips to Plan Out and Organize your Storage Unit. Pack smart to protect your valuables! Watch Kim's 3rd video in a series of 4 for tips...
- Aug 7, 2017
Are You A Pack Rat?
Are You A Pack Rat? Reasons you might be hanging onto stuff: I might need it one day. A friend gave it to me. It’s an heirloom. I might...